Scott Cason
(866) 452-2435
One of the most important responsibilities that we have as an Association is to serve our membership with new services and opportunities to help you navigate the ever changing broadcast climate. In an effort to assist you with your engineering and technical questions, the Board of Directors recently approved funding for a new Engineering Hotline. The purpose of the hotline is to answer basic engineering questions while offering guidance and direction in resolving issues related to technical matters. However, the intent of the hotline is not to service your technical need “hands on”, but rather to help guide you in the event that you need to ask questions, seek recommendations or to gain expert advice.
The engineering hotline is maned by broadcast engineer Scott Cason. In addition to his own consulting and engineering firm, Scott has served the Association as an ABIP Inspector in recent years. In his new role, Scott will not only man the hotline but will also assist with the engineering track at the annual conference, explore the feasibility of an Engineering Academy for students, coordination of EAS tests and supervise the alternative broadcast inspection program (ABIP). In addition, stay up-to-date on all things engineering with Scott’s weekly engineering newsletter.